Suggestion Box
What’s on Your Mind?
To help serve you better, we have added this Suggestion Box to our Web site.
Please use it as you need to: For questions, for clarification, for ideas on what we can do to serve you better.
Oshkosh Postal Employees Credit Union
Serving the financial needs of our members. Since 1930!!
Phone: 920.233.3117
Audio: 800.968.8789
Fax: 920.233.3010
What’s on Your Mind?
To help serve you better, we have added this Suggestion Box to our Web site.
Please use it as you need to: For questions, for clarification, for ideas on what we can do to serve you better.
Mon – Thurs 9-4, Fri 9-5
Oshkosh Postal Employees Credit Union wants to help protect you and your money from identity thieves. If you’ve lost your Debit Card (MacCard), please email the credit union at or call 920-233-3117 during business hours. During non-business hours please call 1-800-523-4175.
Copyright Oshkosh Postal Employees Credit Union